Who are you?
Caterpillar: Who… are… you? Alice: I- I hardly know, sir. I’ve changed so many times since this morning, you see… Caterpillar: No, I do not ‘C.’ Explain yourself. Alice: I’m afraid I can’t explain myself sir, because I’m not myself, you know. Caterpillar: I do not know. Alice: Well, I can’t put it any more … Continue reading Credit where credit is due

Athletics day-itis
The news of athletics day passed through the school like an epidemic, it spread slowly until we were all infected. The victims all had a different reaction to the disease. My reaction when the news of this event reached me were breaking out in hives and thoughts that went something along the lines of, “not … Continue reading Credit where credit is due

Bloody outrage
I’m bloody outraged that the government charges me a 15% tax on my tampons which will cost me $18.72 a year! Sure, to some of you, this is still somewhat of a shruggable number. Or is it? There are 551 of us menstruating marvels here at WHS. And it is estimated that we will have … Continue reading Credit where credit is due

Sex + highschool = ???
Sex. Probably one of the most thought about and talked about subjects in high school. You’d think that everyone who has some form of understanding about what it is would be chill about it, but sadly this isn’t true. Sex in high school seems to be the biggest platform for shame, blame and judgement. Wellington … Continue reading Credit where credit is due

Draw more than a dick on your voting paper
It doesn’t matter who’s on the student council, they don’t do anything. I’m sick of the stupid flag debate, we don’t even get a vote. My vote wouldn’t make a difference anyway. As a 17 year old, I have identified with all of these statements at some point in my life. That’s atrocious. We’ve … Continue reading Credit where credit is due

WTF is the TPPA?
The TPPA. The Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement. Say it out loud. It sounds boring doesn’t it? That’s because it is. In fact if you were to actually attempt to read the released TPPA documents you would probably drop off faster than you do whenever the word attendance is mentioned in assembly. And that’s probably why … Continue reading Credit where credit is due